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Product Lifecycle Information

Maximize your EGYM product value and plan upgrades

As with all tech hardware, EGYM products will eventually reach the end of their lifecycle due to innovation or changing availability. We aim to ensure this process is smooth and transparent, keeping you informed about upgrade options and next steps.

Plan for product lifecycle milestones

Understand our product lifecycle terms & definitions

Product lifecycle policies


    Production Date

    Current Status



    Additional Notes

    before 01/09/2015 




    without freeFlow Sticker

    01/09/2015 –





    with freeFlow Sticker

    *These dates do not apply to EGYM Eco machines.

    Products approaching End of Life?

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    Product lifecycle FAQs

      All products reach the end of their life cycle for several reasons, including market demands, technology innovation and development-driven changes, or product maturity and replacement with functionally richer technology. EGYM understands that End of Life (EOL) milestones often lead companies to reassess the impact on their products, services, or subscriptions within their networks. 

      With that in mind, we have set out below EGYM's End of Life milestones to help manage EOL transitions and to explain how we can help customers to migrate to alternative EGYM technology.

      Once a product has reached its end of life, it is retired from the market and designated as Product End-of-Life (EOL). A product may be retired from the market in a number of ways. It may be completely removed from sale, or it may be replaced with a new version. Products may reach EOL for a variety of reasons, including technological advancements or unavailability of spare parts, which render the product obsolete.

      At EGYM, this is the last date on which EGYM will deliver limited support services for the offering. For software, that means service or support for a specific release or version of the offering is no longer provided. For hardware, that means technical and field (parts) support are no longer provided, and all expert remote support for the system is withdrawn.

      EGYM lifecycle policies are worldwide policies. However, we understand that local laws, market conditions, and support requirements differ around the world and by industry sector.

      The EOL and EOS definitions currently only apply to EGYM hardware. In the event that certain electronic components or other technical aspects of the machine make it unfeasible for us to continue providing software updates to certain machine generations, we will provide affected customers with clear information in advance. 

      EGYM Eco machines are not subject to the same end-of-life/end-of-sale (EOL/EOS) timeline as their non-refurbished original machine generations. Information regarding the ECO lifecycle, including specific definitions of EOL/EOS, will be provided to ECO customers.

      Our standard technical support encompasses all levels of service provided by EGYM, including the resolution of technical issues pertaining to software and hardware. Limited support commences upon the product's End of Life (EOL) phase. During this phase, we cannot guarantee comprehensive hardware support due to potential supply chain constraints. We will endeavor to address each request to the best of our abilities.

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