Updated Activity Points for "Daily Routine"
EGYM has updated Activity Points for "Daily Routine" to better reflect the true value of your tracked activities.
Improved Accuracy & Better Comparability of Activity Points
Why we implemented the change:
We've recently added to “connected apps” the option to connect apps such as Apple Health, and also more 3rd party devices such as wearables. These "connected apps" submit activities - also outside of dedicated exercises - such as steps taken per day as "daily routines" that count towards the activity points of a user. We've noticed that the "daily routine" earned a disproportionate amount of activity points; resulting in an overall less accurate calculation of a user’s activity level and associated health benefits. Moreover, those "daily routines" were difficult to compare to dedicated workouts or exercises tracked.
In our constant strive to make our features more user-friendly and more accurate, we've improved the calculation for the "daily routine" for better usability and comparability. We adjusted the number of activity points received when reaching the WHO guidelines for physical activity to equal the activity level “Gold” (The WHO guideline states a minimum of 150 min of moderate cardio training plus two weekly strength workouts).
This adjustment helps to maintain comparability across different activities. The result:
- More accurate activity levels and associated health benefits displayed for users.
- Improved comparability of "daily routines" to dedicated workouts or exercises tracked.

Example of a user with 10,000 daily steps before the change:
Users of connected wearables or Apple Health gained disproportionate amounts of activity points for non-workout related activities, transmitted as "daily routines". This made comparing these points to points earned with dedicated exercise harder and as a consequence de-motivating for some users.
- If users previously followed the general recommendation of 10,000 steps a day, achieved the activity level "Diamond" with their daily routine alone.
Example of a user with 10,000 daily steps after the change:
This way the number of points earned is more accurate, has better comparability with other exercises tracked, and the app can display more accurate health benefits of the current activity level to a user:
- We reduced the number of activity points for "daily routine", such that a user that has 10,000 steps tracked will achieve the activity level "Bronze", close to achieving "Silver" (If these users add two weekly strength workouts they will achieve "Gold").