Blackpool Sports Centre’s bounce-back results attributed to the success of EGYM.
Impressive Bounce-Back Thanks to EGYM.
As a local council Blackpool operates three leisure facilities across the town. Their mission is to get the community engaged, fit, healthy and active while choosing the facilities but also using the community facilities that they offer. On a mission to find a new offering for their members they came across EGYM. EGYM was successfully installed at one of their sites at Blackpool Sports Centre in 2019, it produced such compelling results that it was therefore rolled out at two more sites in late 2022.
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Pre-pandemic recovery
Of prospects on-site sign a membership due to EGYM
More Sites of Blackpool Council with EGYM
Challenge: Differentiation from private competitors
Danny Ogden has been the Leisure Manager of Blackpool Council for 15 years. As a local council, their mission is to get the community engaged, fit, healthy and active. Danny describes his role as “... to ensure that everyone is able to achieve their goals, whether it be health and fitness or sport related. So we're always looking out for different opportunities to ensure that we can reach and engage with the most people possible within our facilities.”
One challenge Blackpool Sports Centre faced a few years ago was private competition: “Blackpool has a wide offering of health and fitness facilities and there are numerous operators locally to compete against. So one of the main reasons for us looking down the route with EGYM and purchasing was to make sure we had a unique selling point for our customers, that was completely different to our competitors.
What attracted us to EGYM was the simplicity of it and the accessibility. We have a wide range of members with different health barriers. But it was accessible for all of them. It immediately had a great reaction from our customers - they engaged really well, they liked the simplicity and flow of it and they also liked the time-saving aspects of it. We’ve realised that with EGYM, members can do a 30 minute circuit and get the full benefits of a gym workout.”
Furthermore EGYM freed up time with the instructors, so they could actually spend more time with the members to ensure they're getting the most out of it, that they're progressing and achieving their goals.
One system for all demographics and more efficient instructors
Another challenge for Blackpool Sports Centre was the wide range of memberships and finding a solution that would fit them all. Instructor Phil Malin has worked as Trainer for over 10 years, he describes it this way: “We have members ranging from 11 to 90 years of age who can use EGYM and are all getting benefits. Because EGYM creates a very safe environment and is accessible for all ages. And it works for that individual person because the program is tailored just for them.
The feedback we get from our customers is about their positive improvement in their strength. Also, because it's so simple to follow, they're now attending the gym more. So previously, they might have come twice a week, but now they come in four or five times a week.”
Manager Danny sees the advantages for the staff as well: “It gives our trainers more time on the gym floor and because they can quickly and efficiently allocate programs to customers through the EGYM Trainer App their time is better used - and that time can be spent on more people. So our gym staff have greater access to more people on each shift to make sure that everyone gets the best out of their workouts.
With EGYM coming on board it has sped up the process but also maintains a very high standard for all of our customers.”
Instructor Phil is also excited how EGYM made his own work easier and showed results: “Prior to EGYM, if I do a show round, it would have been quite hard to sell a membership. Now we've got EGYM installed, 95% of every show round converts to a membership. And using EGYM is better for me as an instructor, I can look after more people, on a much more personal level as well. I can send our members programs through the Trainer App. And then when they're using the equipment, I can see their progression on the strength and how they're performing. And they keep developing. So the benefits of EGYM with our members is that they are definitely improving their strength, and they enjoy using the equipment too.”
Phil's favourite feature of EGYM? “Once I set the members all up on the machines, I can then leave them to do the circuit knowing that they're going to have a safe and appropriate exercise. The result is their improvement in strength, which is shown on the Trainer App, so we can see that in black on white and we can monitor the progress. For the members, they are going to be more flexible, stronger, feel better with themselves and they leave the gym with a big smile on their face - and we’re all happy!”
Brett, a 49-year-old member, can only confirm this statement: “EGYM was very easy to use right from the start and it suited my needs. It works every muscle group in your body and I found it very enjoyable. So, I’ve come and I found it very addictive. So I was very impressed with the results. And I could feel the results as time went on and I could see and feel the difference in my body - and I really enjoyed EGYM.”
Post-Covid recovery of memberships
Blackpool Council is very convinced of the positive impact of EGYM, as Danny explains: “Blackpool Sport Centre with EGYM has now [mid 2022] reached pre-pandemic levels in terms of recovery and is now pushing levels that it never has reached in the past, which is a big improvement. Whereas the other two sites [without EGYM] run at about 80%, which is way down on what these sites previously achieved and they have both struggled to bounce back.
The decision to install EGYM at the other two sites was mainly based around the recovery we’ve seen at Blackpool Sports Centre after Covid. We were looking to invest in equipment and EGYM was a no-brainer for us because we’ve seen the levels in the recovery and the way members engage and the ease for the trainers. By the end of November 2022 we will be operating EGYM in every one of our leisure facilities.”
Conclusion by Danny Ogden

Danny Ogden,
Leisure Manager, Blackpool Council
„We were looking to invest in equipment and EGYM was a no-brainer for us because we’ve seen the levels in the recovery and the way members engage and the ease for the trainers.
More show rounds at Blackpool Sports Centre turned up, and they were convinced just by seeing EGYM. They don’t need to see the rest of the facility - that’s enough for them to sign up for a gym membership.“
Short profile Blackpool Council
Blackpool Council operates three public leisure centres in Blackpool, in the West of England. Blackpool Sports Centre offers a wide range of facilities and activities, including a gym with the EGYM "Express Fitness" area, a double sports hall and an outdoor sports arena.
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